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Moral Meltdown, The Core of Globalism by Hilmar von Campe, thought provoking intellectual, speaker and author.

Connecting With The Power Of God, by Hilmar von Campe, thought provoking intellectual, speaker, and author.

Feigheit und Anpassung: Politikim Zwielicht by Hilmar von Campe, thought provoking intellectual, speaker, and author.

Deutschland Im Globalen Bürgerkrieg by Hilmar von Campe, thought provoking intellectual, speaker, and author.

Cobardia y Adaptacion: La Politica entre dos Luces by Hilmar von Campe thought provoking intellectual, speaker, and author.

monthly articles by Hilmar von Campe, thought provoking intellectual, speaker, and author.

The Stakes Are High

by Hilmar von Campe

The first presidential debate preceding the November elections between President George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry took place in Coral Gables, Florida, on September 30. There have been plenty of commentaries and I agree with those who have said that Kerry presented himself as the better debater and Bush as the better president. Whereas Bush still has the chance to come across as the better debater in the next two debates, Kerry will have difficulties presenting himself as the better president. He is too shallow and his arguments are mostly fabricated and meant to impress the national audience. In that he succeeded: in tearing down the president, he did not.

Kerry's charge that Bush took the United States into the war without sufficient effort to gain international support is simply not true, and when he ridiculed the coalition forces and said that he would build a stronger alliance, of course he referred to France, Germany, Russia, China and the United Nations without naming them. That shows his ignorance about reality. Russia, France, and China were in business with Saddam Hussein. They were selling him arms, (including French Roland missiles, which were used against American military forces). The Food for Oil program made high ranking United Nation and functionaries rich and everybody in that corrupt organization refuses to testify to the United States Congress. All of those mentioned above couldn't care less about the security of the United States or about the enslavement the Iraqis were forced to endure under the thumb of their presidential mass-murderer. Schroeder for his part was more interested in wining national elections by mobilizing anti-American sentiments in Germany than helping America to liberate Iraq as was liberated Germany from Nazi rule, and I would be surprised if German business was not involved in Iraq also. Chirac tried everything to spoil the attempts of the president to enlist more nations. Kofi Anan had the impertinence to call the action of the United States a criminal breach of international law. I don't know what law he is referring to but he obviously brushes our Constitution aside. And that is exactly what Kerry must have in mind when he talks about a 'global test' the United States has to pass in decisions to defend America.

I believe that nobody including bigmouth Kerry expected the developments in Iraq after the military victory to evolve as they did. It is a first experience and shows free nations the nature of our enemies who do not respect human life, and kill without restraint. It also should give the Europeans a glimpse of what Israel had to endure for the last years. To claim that the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terrorism and is something else is absurd. Islamic terrorism is spread across the globe and was forced in Iraq to show its face. To say that there is no exit strategy is ridiculous. Local elections have been in place all around the country for quite some time and preparations for national elections within few months are being made, to create and train military and police forces, to get schools, hospitals and the economy going - is that nothing? There is not one new idea Kerry has contributed, only criticism.

It makes me sad to watch the low level, to which this man dragged down the presidential debate and still gets applause for it. He is a man who is unable to recognize the legitimate achievements of his opponent and our armed forces under his leadership. They brought liberty to a whole people of 25 million human beings, and turned an enemy nation into a friend. Instead, he degraded and belittled the courageous political leader of the liberated country, Interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, who came to America to thank this nation for the freedom, which was bought with the blood of our soldiers. Kerry is a man who has no vision for the greatness of his own nation, promises the blue from the sky and sticks to his low level attacks. I wish the president would have come at him like a roaring lion to put him into his place. But he didn't do it - yet, I hope.

Kerry leads the party, which has obstructed the nominations by the president of judges who believe that God is the source of all laws. Instead, it has saturated our judicial system with judges who are out to destroy the moral fiber of America and make a mockery of the Constitution and the convictions of our founding fathers. Homosexuality becomes a protected vice, the murder of unborn human life a constitutional right, while gay marriage and the destruction of the family (the heart of a free society) are branded as a milestone of progress and equality. It is a political establishment of people who in the disguise of a democratic party have made the lie socially acceptable and proclaim that when one of their high ranking politicians commits perjury it doesn't really matter as long as they can stay in power. Dan Rather considered Bill Clinton an honest person. He stated that you can lie as much as you like and remain an honest person. No wonder that he bases his dirty attacks on George W. Bush on fraudulent documentation. Do we want these kind of people to form the thinking of a nation?

But still, there are millions of church-going "Christians", who see nothing wrong in voting for the destroyers of all and everything that makes America great and special. It happened in Germany and our family had to live through the Nazi nightmare of comrade Hitler, which broke the backbone of the German people. Comrades Schroeder and Fischer are following up. At least in Iraq comrade Saddam Hussein and his socialist Baath Party were put out of business, which was not necessary according to comrade Kerry, because 'it distracted us from the real thing'. What I am seeing in front of my eyes in America today, is a repetition of the downfall of a nation. Only this time there will be no nation left to stand for God and freedom, and freedom without God is not possible.

It was the president who elevated the debate to the mission America's and of every last American in the world, given by God to America at the birth of the nation, to spread freedom across the globe. Kerry may have the words but not the substance of freedom. May God protect America from the socialist seducers and give us another chance to remake this nation.

The following letter was sent to me by an American patriot. Please print it, sign it and send it to the president, send it to your friends.


President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Bush,

As someone who has been behind your efforts to protect America from the threat of terror, I write to you about a grave danger which threatens from within.

Mr. President, I am asking you from my heart to speak out for Americans like me who believe our nation cannot survive if we abandon God and moral principle in our public life.

Mr. President, I am dismayed when state courts assault the historic and irreplaceable role of marriage. My heart is grieved when a decent and honest judge cannot publicly state the moral foundations for all our laws and liberties by displaying the Ten Commandments. I am disturbed when elitist judges further attack the roots of freedom by denying school children the right to pledge allegiance to our flag. And with our nation stained by the sin of abortion on demand, like Thomas Jefferson, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever."

And we have, as Lincoln declared 140 years ago, a forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious Hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.

Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!" Mr. Lincoln went on to say "It behooves us then to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins and to pray for clemency and forgiveness!"

Mr. President, once again our nation needs to be reminded of these truths.

Mr. President, the time for political calculation is past. Your conscience alone must tell you it is time to speak the truth to the American people. And if you do, I truly believe many Americans who are moving to the sidelines of political involvement will joyfully rally to you. Please USE THE "BULLY PULPIT" OF THE PRESIDENCY to speak out eloquently; calling our nation to repentance for our great multitudes of sins against God. Indeed we are on the slippery slope of self-destruction. Please, Mr. Bush, it is time to echo President Lincoln and plead to the nation - both as a whole and as individuals - it is time to repent and restore our right relationship with God almighty.

Faithfully yours,

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Hilmar von Campe, thought provoking intellectual, speaker, and author.

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