The founder and president of the American Congress for Truth, Brigitte Gabriel, author of the fascinating book Because They Hate states: "As an Arab Christian, and victim of Islam during the Lebanese Civil War, I refuse to stand by and let the same happen to my adopted country, The United States. Their grievance is our freedom of religion. Their grievance is our democratic process. Islamic religious authorities and terrorist leaders repeatedly state that they will destroy the United States and Western civilization. Unless we take them at their word and defend ourselves, they will succeed...."
Paul Trog: http://www.paultrog.com/
Nora Brinker is an independant journalist and translator with a M.A. in History. A West German, she lives now in East Germany. She was brought up as a Socialist and agnostic and found a faith in God.
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: (www.aapsonline.org)
World Views: (changingworldviews.com)
Taking you behind the frontlines and behind the scenes -
Sharon Hughes, founder and president of The Center for Changing World Views.
Radio talk show host and journalist.
Focus on the Family:
Vote Values: (www.ivotevalues.com)
Website of Dr. James Dobson with the possibility to register to vote.
John Stembridge - (http://www.johnstembridge.com)
America Foreward: (http://www.moveamericaforward.org)
U.S. troops in Iraq and around the world. Send coffee to
the troops.
Plain Truth Magazine: (www.ptm.org)
The new Plain
Truth covers contemporary Christian issues, it challenges
believers and nonbelievers alike with the central truths of the
Bible. It makes the truth of the gospel plain, easy to
understand and inspiring.
Dr. Ing. Hans Joachim Selenz: (www.hans-joachim-selenz.de) teaches at Hannover University. He was head of the second
largest steel-company in Germany named Salzgitter AG. Was fired from
management of Preussag AG, because he refused to sign a
fraudulent financial statement. He is a crusader
for a morally clean industry, government and justice in Germany.
Support Alabama Chief Justice Roy
Moore: (www.morallaw.org)
Survival: (www.USAsurvival.org) Cliff Kinkaid,
President, editor of the Accuracy in Media (AIM) Report.
Net Daily: (worldnetdaily.com)
The Internet newspaper with a Christian worldview and constantly up-dated reporting.
Editor-in-chief is Josef Farah.
Newsmax: (www.newsmax.com)
Conservative internet newspaper.
Mordecai: (www.vicmord.com)
Victor Mordecai
books provide the basic information on the threat of fanatic
Islam to America and Christianity. Whether it is the history of
Jihad, the alliance between the One World Government movement
and extremist Islam, the Islamic persecution of Christians or
his report as early as in 1997 on Iran's training of suicide
pilots and terrorists - his facts are impeccable and the reading
is fascinating.

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