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Humanity's Insurrection Against Its Creatorby Hilmar von Campe Only a fool can believe that we are living in normal, perhaps sometimes difficult and even dangerous times. Once the present problem - right now the terrorist threat - is resolved in our favor, so goes the reasoning, we will be able to live in peace and unmolested as we did before. But we are not living in normal times. The issue now is not the attack on America by a global network of terrorists, not even the confrontation of America and the dying Western civilization with Islam. The issue is the insurrection of humanity against God, the Creator of the universe and mankind, and what to do about it. The emergence of organized international terrorism as a deadly threat is part of this insurrection. At stake are freedom, the life and destiny of every nation and of every last human being and the decisive question for each one is, how can I make a difference and link my life to the historical development we are witnessing? Let me try to explain why there is a link, what the link is, how "little me" can and must make a difference and how to save America and humanity from suicide. The most devastating victory for the Nazi ideology over free society did not happen during the short 12 years of power by the national socialists in Germany 60 years ago, as it happened here in America in the decades after America won World War II and defeated the Nazis on the battlefield. The wrongful and malicious interpretation of the first phrase in the First Amendment "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof " led to exactly the same praxis established by the Nazis in Germany, which I experienced first hand. Hitler considered God and Christian morality an obstacle to absolute Nazi power. The commandments to love God above anything else and love your neighbor as you love yourself, taken seriously, had to clash with their philosophy and praxis of racial arrogance, hatred and murder. Hitler did not directly challenge the churches (he intended to liquidate them only after victory in WWII) but he did everything possible to remove God and his moral commandments from society. "Sing your hymns at home or in church but stay out of society" we were told then and that has become the politically correct party line in American society today. He established a so-called Church of "German Christians", which promoted Nazi ideology with Christian terminology. In the Hitler Youth we were taught to despise the Jews and hate the Western "Plutocracies" (Capitalist states) and were kept away from family churchgoing by Nazi events organized for Sunday mornings. And I still remember the two Gestapo men in front of our church whose presence constituted a direct threat from the almighty government. Everybody knew it. But neither in the churches and schools nor in public did most people dare to oppose the imposition of godlessness on the nation. Again, everybody knew that it meant risking your life. In America today you don’t yet risk your life. You may risk your job when you oppose the politically correct implementation of the same philosophy using phony legal reasoning for exactly the same purpose. And we are getting to the same result: a society where God has been ejected from schools and public life with people who do not know any more the difference between right and wrong. That is why I have been saying for quite some time that the ACLU and their like-minded are promoting the Nazi ideology by tearing down the moral and spiritual structure of this nation as Hitler did in Germany. He only used other reasons. When I am asked how it was possible that the German people elected a man like Hitler into power, I answer with the question how is it possible that millions of church going Christians – not to speak of the others - elected Bill Clinton to the presidency of the United States? A man who is an adulterer, liar, perjurer, who upholds partial birth abortion as the law of the land, who does not only break the law but whose whole life is an insult to God whose Commandments he defies. The answer is simple - they don’t perceive his outrageous behavior as fundamentally wrong. They cannot distinguish between right and wrong. The economy was doing well and that is what matters for them. They may go to church on Sunday and consider themselves to be Christians – but they aren’t. They don’t promote truth but lies. It’s a private affair not related to government, so they think. They have bought into the lie that character doesn’t matter and they don’t recognize the evil within our borders. And that is what happened in Germany and led to World War II. The blindness toward what is right and what is wrong is the same in other Western countries. Tony Blair wants to let the Russian President Vladimir Putin into the strategic planning of NATO; Colin Powell thinks that the Chinese are on their way to become friends and partners; Helmut Schroeder’s red-green government coalition toppled the Christian Democratic Mayor of Berlin and included the last head of the East German Communist government party and his cronies in the red-red-green new government of Berlin. Western Socialists in general share the same Marxist fundamentals with their communist comrades and therefore think that they can together build democratic socialism – but they will get no other end-product but totalitarian socialism: Communism! Democratic Socialism does not exist, it is just a stepping stone to totalitarian socialism. Western conservative and great many Christian leaders on the other hand are fooling themselves with the belief that they are dealing with "former" Communists. They are unable to recognize under the polished outside the evil intentions of their deadly enemies. That is because their understanding of right and wrong is limited and they don’t want to acknowledge even to themselves that the Russian and Chinese leaders of today are as ruthless and dangerous for free society as Hitler was. Would any Western government have accepted a Gestapo agent as German chancellor because he declared himself to be now a democrat and gave his party with the same Nazi members simply another name? Is there a moral difference between the Gestapo and the KGB? Hitler’s creation of the "German Christians" movement was meant to enable him to manipulate the naïve religious people. That concept is now enriched by a new creation "The Earth Charter", promoted by former Soviet President M. Gorbachev, whose air force dropped bombs in the form of toys on Afghan children, and the United Nations in combination with the Queen of Holland and Steven Rockefeller. The purpose of the promoters is - how can it be different? – neutralize Christianity under a cloud of vague ideals enabling them to integrate all religions into a wishy-washy spiritual nothing. The provisions of the charter, however, can be used against anybody or any nation considered to be an obstacle to the power of the godless elite. "In order to build a sustainable global community," so it states, "the nations of the world must renew their commitment to the United Nations, fulfill their obligations under existing international agreements, and support the implementation of Earth Charter principles with an international legally binding instrument on environment and development. "The so-called ethical principles that are put forward in the charter are of materialistic nature: protect the environment, strive for growth and peace, fight hunger etc. It is not an instrument of truth but a socialist/communist/capitalist instrument of power and it makes clear who runs the United Nations: the comrades of the first secretary general of the UN Soviet agent Alger Hiss headed by Kofi Annan, Mother Earth is being groomed to be the new totalitarian goddess replacing God. The charter aims at destroying the sovereignty of the United States, which pays for this dangerous nonsense, and the founding principles of this nation. The atheistic unrepentant former head of a criminal government trying to teach the world how to behave – is the world following the path of Germany being blind toward the totalitarian trap? The insurrection against God means the organized abandonment of his moral order and the establishment of a global social and a political infrastructure, which is contrary to this order but capable of integrating toothless Christian religion. This is possible because comfortable Christians have reduced the Christian revolution to transform the world to a meek message of personal salvation leaving absolute moral standards behind. The movement to godlessness is in full swing but most Christians don’t understand what is happening and why. The mentality of irrelevance was best expressed by a statement of all protestant bishops except one in East Germany to the then Communist government defining the Christian task as "demonstrating how to live as Christians in a Socialist society." Utterly ridiculous! They accepted the lies of an immoral and criminal government and tried to fit themselves and their flock into their godless structures instead of standing up for truth and fighting the lies. And it pains me to see that countless American Christians live in exactly the same way. I can’t imagine what was in their minds when they prayed the Lord’s Prayer stating "Thy will be done on earth as is in heaven." They abandoned God’s right to obedience from all people and all nations. The appeasement spirit of those German bishops dwells in the unconstitutional misconception of the division of church and state in America. It equates state with society and religious institutions with God. The acceptance of this attempt to shut God up in the religious box by Christians, accepting that God is removed from society and watching - perhaps even protesting - the process, means allowing the distortion of the intentions of the founding fathers and abandonment of the national mission of freedom. It means hissing the white flag by American Christianity and participating in the destruction of freedom and creating a morally neutral society run by godless power brokers. Freedom without God will perish because freedom can only be built on truth. The Gorbachevs, Annans, Blairs, Schroeders, Clintons, Rockefellers, and their comrades build on lies. Marxism and freedom are incompatible. What then is the link and what can little me do? The link to the historical movements of today for every human being is his personal way of life. Little me who is a liar will actively promote the destruction of free society regardless of whether he wants to or not. Little me, man, woman or child, who accepts the absolute moral standard of truth as basis for his or her life and fights with all his strength including his existence for truth in all sectors of society will be assisting the creation of the real new world order where humanity obeys the voice of its Creator. The primary task for this generation is not to create peace, abolish hunger or revere earth, but to link the innermost motives of each human being to God’s instructions anchored in our hearts so that His purpose for the creation of humanity can unfold and people and nations learn how to live together peacefully. It is the Christian substance in the American nation which found a political expression in the constitution, which has kept this nation free, but Christians have to get ideologically on the offensive, that means into the battle for truth, or they will lose their freedom. Download the printer friendly file for this article.
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