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The Global Anti-American Hate Campaign by Hilmar von Campe We are living through a worldwide anti-American campaign with huge demonstrations for "peace". I believe, that this campaign is organized by the Communist and Socialist Internationals with the KGB under the orders of Stasi collaborator and ex-KGB agent Vladimir Putin at the center. Don't forget, the KGB is the Soviet equivalent to the Nazi Gestapo and only recently returned by the Russian president to its old position of nearly unlimited power. The demonstrations of course have nothing to do with peace, which only serves as a pretext. They are motivated by envy, hatred and ignorance and meant to weaken the United States and strengthen her enemies. The absence of a shooting war is not identical with peace. War was declared on the Unites States and not on the United Nations. The sovereign United States decides how to respond. Iraq's ruling BAATH Socialist Party is part of the Socialist International. And so is the party of German chancellor, left-wing radical Socialist Helmuth Schroeder, who put Germany on the side of Saddam Hussein. One comrade helps another comrade. Communism is one form of socialism, National Socialism is another one. Saddam Hussein's character and murderous ruthlessness remind me of Hitler and Nazi Germany. Back in the 60's Eudocio Ravines, founder of the Communist Party of Peru, explained to me and a number of friends that hate and slander campaigns are integral part of the Communist ideological warfare arsenal. Ravines was Latin American delegate to the Communist International and by direct orders from Stalin architect of the first popular front, a coalition of democratic and communist parties, in Chile. Such a coalition is understood by Communist tacticians as a transition to complete government control. In order to achieve that objective, Ravines had to disguise his purpose and destroy people and institutions that constituted obstacles to their advance. In his book, The Yenan Way, he explains, "we specialized in hate campaigns…Patiently and stubbornly, a cell would be formed in the village, in the suburb, in the district, which would snowball hatred against a marked person or entity. In this way the party made itself feared and exercised a sort of blackmail, from whose grip it was hard to get free and which was even harder to combat." Ravines broke with the Communist Party and the Soviet Union in 1938 when Stalin made a pact with Hitler. He died in a car accident in Mexico City! Ravines' hate campaigns were organized in 1936 in one country only. In the year 2003 hate campaigns are being conducted with the same principle and intentions but on the global level with highly advanced technology. The coalition between democratic and socialist representations exists already in the form of the morally neutral United Nations. The only obstacle to global control of this godless institution, backed by a majority of non-democratic including criminal governments, consists of the spirit of the American people and the power of the Unites States, which her enemies want to force into submission to the Security Council. That Syria, Angola and Guinea, not to mention Russia (the former Soviet Union now has eleven votes) and China are part of this not only superfluous, but dangerous institution makes the point visible that enemies should neither be consulted nor appeased regarding any American policy decision. The United States should get out of the United Nations and send the headquarters to another country. France, Germany and Belgium, a minority of States in the European Union, have made themselves part of the hate campaigns whatever pious arguments they use to mask their real intentions. The Germans have forgotten, that America for decades protected them from Soviet imperialism. Chirac is a vain incompetent politician. His principal purpose is Chirac and his ambition is for France to lead the European Union and compete with the United States for world leadership, a purpose he inherited from Charles de Gaulle. There is no morality or concern for the security of America involved, which saved France in two world wars from defeat. Thousands of American soldiers gave their life. French policies are political manoeuvres, motivated by naked self-interest. The present president of France is as much a "conservative" as former French president Valery Giscard d'Estaing, who is heading a Committee for the drafting of a European Constitution. He adamantly refuses to refer to God in it. The French until today remain in the grip of their unholy past and still celebrate the assassination of the commandant of the Bastille and his men by a mob as their national day, an event, that led to the execution of Louis XVI and queen Marie Antoinette and thousands of others. Their orgies in blood were accompanied by mockery of God - erecting an altar for the god of reason in front of Notre Dame Cathedral. European-Arab ties have grown in depth since the days of de Gaulle. The Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation has 600 members in 18 European parliaments as well as in the European Parliament in Strasburg, pushing for greater political, economic and cultural cooperation between Europe and the Arab world. While Europeans are out for business - how could there be a different motive in a Western country? - Arabs follow their ideological purposes: they make business dependent on cooperation in their effort to destroy Israel. And so greedy power-hungry nationalist Anti-Americanism and Islamic religious power-hungry Anti-Americanism began to merge and not only loosened the European ties to the United States but also through changes in immigration laws, facilitating religious activities and adjusting teachings in schools and universities to Muslim susceptibilities. This development was pointed out by Bat Ye'or, author of three books on Jihad (www.dhimmitude.org). In her analysis Essential Reading about Europe she writes: "This policy endeavored to integrate Europe and the Arab-Muslim world into one political and economic bloc, by mixing populations (multiculturalism) while weakening the Atlantic solidarity and isolating America…Europe has undergone a profound structural and demographic change, which is not yet fully perceived by Europeans, even less by Americans…As Palestinian and Islamic terrorism developed, the EU - anxious to save its growing and multiple interests in the Muslim world - accused Israel and US policy of provoking it. Rather than confronting Islamic terrorism, European leaders resorted to appeasement by condemning Israel." Add the Communist countries of Russia and China to this unholy alliance based on the common rejection of God. Those who can see and understand that communism is far from dead will know how the isolation of America has advanced far beyond the original goals of the Soviet Union. Another dangerous development in the war on terrorism, which in the framework of this article, must be mentioned but cannot be dealt with at length, is the emerging connection between Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro and Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. It has been known for a quite some time that Cuba has a biological weapon laboratory. Already on June 5, 2002 Carl Ford Jr., assistant secretary for intelligence and research at the State Department told a subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee "that Cuba has provided dual-use technology to rogue states. Such technology could support bio-weapons programs in those states," and giving them offensive capability. According to a bulletin of the Venezuelan opposition this lab in the meanwhile has been flown out from Cuba to San Antonio Los Altos in the neighborhood of Caracas. Following up on an earlier visit to Iraq by Chavez Castro sent his advisor Rodrigo Alvarez Cambras to Baghdad to explain to Saddam Hussein that Castro and Chavez wanted to work with Saddam on developing new bio-weapons for use against the United States. Venezuelan Air Force Major Juan Diaz Castillo, the private pilot of the president, who has flown him to Cuba more than a dozen times, said about those visits: "… With Castro, Chavez always discussed U.S. world dominance and how it could be contained. Of the solutions discussed, the most recurring centered on biological weapons". The newspaper The British Mail reported in Caracas that Al Quaeda operates a training camp on the Venezuelan island of Margarita. According to the Colombian government the head of the FARC terrorist group, Manuel Marulanda, is hiding in Venezuela. Chavez, who like Hitler came to power through elections, like Hitler, once elected, set out to destroy the very democratic process, which had made him head of government. Similar to the Nazi storm-troopers or the Iraqui Fejadeen militias, his Revolutionary Bolivar Movement is meant to intimidate and control the population. Out of the national organization grew Bolivar International with headquarters in Buenos Aires and dependencies in Spain, France and Sweden. Chavez calls Hussein, Khaddafy and the Iranian clerics his strategic partners. With committed Communist government leaders in charge of Venezuela, Brazil and Cuba, with socialist government leaders in Peru and Chile, with Argentine in financial turmoil, with Columbia not being able for 38 years to liquidate a terrorist/Marxist uprising and with a wishy-washy president in Mexico heading a leftist establishment - it seems to me that the region doesn't get the policy attention it desperately needs. America needs Latin America. President George W. Bush made the right decision. The build-up of terrorist infrastructures and capabilities by enemy states cannot be tolerated. It gets more dangerous the more time they get. Hostility of the global left is not the result of that decision - it was in place long before the war began. The KGB has been working on this for decades. More diplomacy would only have made matters worse. The war itself, however, had a positive side effect, it highlighted who friends and who enemies are and Kofi Annan and the United Nations did not turn up among our friends as they are incapable of an objective judgment. This chatterbox under pressure by the determined power bid of Jaques Chirac delayed American action for several weeks. I count the following rough states besides Russia and China as part of a global red posing a deadly threat to the United States, which has to be dealt with one way or the other: Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela. And perhaps also Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. The governments of these nations represent the godless use of destructive and murderous power, encouraged by the European appeasers. Islam as a religion will only be able to regain respect if the blatant lie, that a suicide-male Muslim will be compensated in paradise with the abundant satisfaction of his sexual desires if he kills a Jew, an American or any non-believer, will be repudiated as heresy by Islamic clergy and Muslim government leaders. As a Christian I consider Allah as a pagan god who has nothing to do with the God of Abraham. Communists, Socialists, fanatic Muslims, are guided by their godless philosophies and materialistic world- views. The philosophy of fellow travelers is Self. The use of weapons is necessary to defend freedom. Final victory, however, can only be won with an idea that is better and stronger than the materialistic erroneous concepts of our enemies. That idea must be for everybody everywhere, valid for the whole of humanity. To make truth the basis of all human relationships is that idea and will be the real revolution of this century. Download the printer friendly file for this article.
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