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THE FORGOTTEN FACTOR We are supposed to be the mightiest nation on earth and our president is considered to be the most powerful man in the world. But if you look at the American scene, and especially at our indebtedness, you begin to wonder whether that is true or not; you begin to wonder who really makes the decisive decisions and is running our society of nearly 300 million people. Before going any further I want to state that I have from the beginning publicly supported the decision of President George W. Bush to go to war in Iraq. But this article is not about that issue. The other day the President elaborated during a televised speech on his vision “to leave no child behind”. It was all about better academic results. It disturbed me that there was no mention of God. Doesn’t he know for example, that the Southern Baptists are taking their children out of public schools teaching godless concepts? One reason why our family left Mexico for the United States was because of the absence of God and religion in the Mexican school system. Dina and I saw the devastating consequences of that in form of government corruption, which spreads through the whole nation. It becomes visible for Americans through the invasion of millions of people who can’t find work in their own country, which has rich resources.. We came to America so that our children could be taught the same as what we teach them and consider being essential for young people: the morals and discipline demanding of Christian teachings. Instead we find growing sexual depravity and violence at public schools combined with the absence of lectures on our Constitution and the life of our Founding Fathers. Is it Congress or/and the President who let this happen, or is it the teachers’ Marxist trade union and the ACLU who run our education system? I think it is the latter ones. Remarkable is the fact that with only few exceptions the pulpits of Christian churches are silent. There is no united Christian battle cry. And where does the Constitution grant the federal government jurisdiction over America’s education? We now pay around $3.00 per a gallon of gas. 1995 Congress voted for the first time to extract Alaskan oil. President Clinton vetoed the bill and ever since then the Democrats have prevented that the dependence on foreign oil be lowered by about 2 million barrels per day. It seems to be impossible to objectively determine if the technology that permits extracting oil without damaging the environment is viable or not. That is a sign that it is ideology and not factual assessment which reigns. Could it be that the environmental lobby, crucial for getting enough votes during the election cycles, controls the Democratic decision-making? There is no secret about the fact that it is private bankers and not Congress who control the currency, the money supply and the level of interest rates and therefore the life lines of every American family. Alan Greenspan did not compete with the president for the title, “the most powerful man in the world.” for nothing. These Federal Reserve owners are profit-oriented banks and at least half of them are foreign. Dominating are the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Their principle task, according to Greenspan and Company, is to watch that inflation does not get out of control. When they see rising prices they define that as inflation and raise the interest rates (and make more money for their banks!!). As if the price level was responsible for inflation. Rising prices are not the reason for inflation: they’re only the consequence of too much money in circulation.. I learned that at my university when I studied Economics. If there is more money than goods prices rise. With other words, these dishonest greedy people declare the consequence of what they themselves do: dumping trillions of dollars into the world market resulting in inflation. And why do they get away with it? Of all the deviations from the Constitution and common sense this arrangement is the strangest of all. The procedures of printing and spending money happen in the following way: The Secretary of Finance tells the Federal Reserve that the government needs, for example, 20 billion Dollars. The Federal Reserve then asks the Secretary of Finance to print 20 billion Dollars and/or credit them to the Federal Reserve’s account. The government then borrows this amount from the Federal Reserve and the tax payer pays the interest for it. As far as I know, the Federal Reserve has never been audited, and why should we pay interest when Congress can and should – according to the Constitution - print the money on its own account? I live always with the feeling that we, the American people, are being taken on a ride by the government establishment of the two parties. The Massachusetts legislation made same sex marriages legal. During the founding of America, it never occurred to Western societies that such a perversion should constitute a family. Thus, it can be safely assumed that this legislation is unconstitutional. Why is it necessary that Christian leaders launch a request for a constitutional amendment defining marriage exclusively as a union of man and woman? Unfortunately, it has become apparent that Congress cannot be relied upon any more to stand up to a run away judiciary. It is the homosexual lobby, disposing of plenty of cash and controlling many votes, that runs the show. Like European countries the United States is swamped with illegal aliens. There are street demonstrations of hundred of thousands of foreigners who broke our laws and yet still demand a “right” to be here. Should Americans and legal immigrants continue to pay for their social services? That raises the question: who dictates American policy? The mob? President Bush is in favor of giving them a chance at earning citizenship since sending them back, he argues, is no longer an option. This situation has been created in large part thanks to Bill Clinton’s and George W. Bush’s neglect of border security – 14 years and going. Could it be that his action – or lack thereof – are controlled by big business that wants cheap labor? Listening to him I asked myself whether he was arguing on behalf of his own convictions. Could it be that he acted under the pressure of business who wants cheap labor? This cheap labor, however, spoils the wages not just for American workers but also for those Mexicans who come legally with a work permit every year but are now are being forced out of work by the illegals. As a matter of fact I don’t think that we need millions of these people. Judging by what we’ve seen on television it is obvious that these people do not want to integrate. . We must not give an inch to their un-American ways. But there could be something else. According to internet newspaper WorldNetDaily, President Bush, Mexican President Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin signed on March 23, 2005 at Bush’s ranch in Texas a document committing their governments to integrate their countries to a North American Community without borders. The source of this idea is The Council on Foreign Relations, which describes this program in a 59 page report “Building a North American Community.” The unification is to be completed by 2010. It looks like our President is executing a decision by a non-elected group of people who have no connection to the voters. If this is allowed to happen, it would be the end of American sovereignty, of our biblical founded culture, and of our God given mission to make freedom a reality around the globe. We would enter the same road into socialism as the European Union did. As I explain in my upcoming book with the working title A Cry for Revolution – the Road to Freedom of a Hitler Youth the Constitution of the European Union was drafted in Moscow and is similar to the constitution of the Soviet Union. According to the report in the worldnetdaily issue of May 1, 2006 a group of left wing Latin organizations is behind the movement to make the illegal alien legal. Some of them, however, go far beyond that goal, such as MECeA which sets the goal to capture seven states of the South West of the United States: Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Utah. “California is going to be a Hispanic state,” says Maria Obeldo, former head of MALDEF, “anyone who does not like it should leave” The organizations involved are: the League of United Latin American Citizen (LULAC), the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MECcA) and the National Council of La Raza (La Raza). They and the mass demonstrations are apparently financed among others by the Rockefeller and Ford foundations. But also communist organizations played a vital role, like the Workers World Party, the International Socialist Organization and the Revolutionary Communist Party of the US. Already the selection of May 1 for the demonstrations was an expression of an aggressive purpose. It is a Communist/Socialist event. They are telling us that they are not interested in our Labor Day. In total the radical Left uses the immigration issue to exploit the demands and frustrations of ordinary people to advance their agenda. I don’t think that the government establishment gets the point and I also doubt that the Cardinal, who participated in the event, had the slightest idea about what he was backing. We are living in an environment where it gets more and more difficult to know what is up and down and to discern who can be trusted to comply with what they have promised to do. More and more people manipulate on their level developments with less and less honesty about motives, real purposes and facts. The reason is simple: it is because God and his role in global society are under constant attack. He is being pushed out of government, schools, and society in general. Money, career, votes come before principle. Religious people manipulate like everybody else. The forgotten factor is God. Without God no society can survive. I have experienced the consequences of a government not only without God but one that is against God. America is on the same road Germany took back in the 1930’s. America needs moral rebirth and a totally fresh approach to issues. Government has to reorganize itself and find the truth of God in everything they do. The God-given mission for this nation is freedom.
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