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The Blindness Toward Realityby Hilmar von Campe At the end of January the last Chairman of the East German Communist government party, Gregor Gysi, became vice mayor of Berlin. He is no "former" but a hard-core highly intelligent Communist elitist posing as a democrat, just like Gorbachev, Jeltsin, and the rest of them. He is the darling of the media and many Germans are fascinated by his brilliance – as a former generation was by Hitler. They don’t see the danger or the trend. "Former" Communist and KGB operative Vladimir Putin puts up the same show, and since it is so reassuring to consider him as a friend instead of an enemy, he is invited to join a NATO strategy council specially created for him to give him a seat and voice. The reason why he closed down on 1/26/02 the last private television network critical of his government, TV6, just as Adolf Hitler did in 1933 when he shut down German opposition media, is conveniently overlooked. Under his leadership, Russia is providing China, Iran and other enemy states of the United States with sophisticated weaponry - including nuclear technology. Many conservative leaders are as blind to the reality of this man and his comrades, just as Winston Churchill, Chamberlain and Daladier were to the reality of Hitler in the early years of Nazi power. This blindness of the leaders of this country has been my major concern in the last 15 years and I am wrestling constantly with the issue and how to make it visible. Why is it that a majority of conservatives who are mostly Christians do not see the threat? The attack by the terrorists on America has brought about a patriotic resurgence and a national determination to prevail. This enemy is defined and the military have demonstrated convincingly that they know how to deal with it. What is not defined, however, is who pulls the strings. But the greatest threat to national security are the subversive forces from within and from without, which are successfully attempting to separate Americans from their history and establish a consume-oriented multicultural society which by the end of the process would only be American by name. The question therefore must be raised, what is missing in Christians and what is missing in conservatives? Christian understanding of Christianity has become religious and personal. It is not rooted in a historical process connected with political developments of which they are a part. Sincere Christians wait for Jesus to return and take them to heaven – but they have no part in the process except for their personal preparations. Politics are separate and must not be mixed with religion; so they believe. Materialistic ideologies have taken over the Christian concept of the kingdom of God, adjusted to their own philosophy, and translated into political and social action for anybody who wants to participate. They enlist people, and especially young people, to give their life for their cause, by integrating themselves with the historical process. This process has a different definition in the case of National Socialism, Leninist Socialism (Communism: classless society) and Islamic Leninism. But the principle is the same. There is in each case a worldview, a concept of power, a philosophy integrating every section of the global society and the challenge to the followers to give everything for the cause. The demand of Jesus to those who wanted to work with him, to leave everything behind and follow him, was and is literally borrowed by the followers of these materialistic ideologies, who are expected to give their life to a lie. All materialistic ideologies are based on lies. The lie can be recognized by its personal and institutional contempt of other people’s life and rights. The Islamic suicide bombers are the most telling example of this perversion. They are promised some dozens of virgins in paradise for their personal pleasure – a lie. The existence of the United States of America is part of a historical process to advance God’s purposes for humanity. But America has lost her historical dimension and the moral absolutes on which the nation and its Constitution are based. That is the reason why her leaders and her people don’t understand the motivating force of their deadly enemies. They naively believe that their own capitalistic concepts attract the Putins and the Gorbachevs who instead see themselves as active agents of history, committed on bringing the historical process to its final stage and establishing their new world. They laugh at our naivety. In comparison, while the more active ones want to defend our values, most Christians simply want to go to heaven and be left in peace here on earth. Both concepts are not good enough in the face on the assault on our freedom. Our concepts are too small and our abortion-infested society does not reflect the truth of God. Fundamentally, Western democracies offer no incentives for greatness to the young generation. Greatness comes from living for something bigger than self - like making history. Making money is the overriding motivation being offered today in free society and the means to achieving this goal get dirtier all the time. But America is still different from European socialist democracies, whose leaders pay lip service to freedom and democracy but whose basic philosophy is Marxist; opposed to freedom. The American nation on the other hand was born with a historic mission: freedom for all of humanity and in spite of the growing intrusion of government into the private life of people is still far ahead of the rest of the world as far as civil liberties of her citizens are concerned. President Bush sounds the right note when he said in his State of the Union Address, "We want to be a nation that serves goals larger than self". In order to regain her historical momentum, to be a pacemaker for historical developments, America needs to articulate a purpose and a philosophy, which integrates all of humanity, every last person and nation. And the government has to challenge young America: to give everything to make this purpose a reality. The purpose can only be to bring freedom to the last corner of the world. The quest for freedom has to enter as a revolutionary idea in the arena of competing ideas. Outdated Marxism is no match for it. But freedom has to be defined anew. Freedom is only possible on the basis of truth. Liars are the enemies of freedom. Truth therefore has to be made the basis of all human relationships. Truth must show in the life of those who promote freedom. Only then will the godless ideologies evaporate. The educational system has to make the teaching of the Constitution and the intentions of the Founding Fathers the number one priority – contrary for instance to what the New Jersey Department of Education is planning right now. In the revised version of their history standards George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, the Pilgrims and the Mayflower are being omitted. "Freedom is the gift of God", defines R. C. Holles, founder of Freedom Communications Inc. "It is neither license nor anarchy. It is self-control…it must be consistent with the truths expressed in such great moral guides as the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule and the Declaration of Independence. "The choice for America and humanity is power under God or power without God. America as a nation under God, has to lead the way. Download the printer friendly file for this article.
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