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United States Should Go It Aloneby Hilmar von Campe Senate Majority leader Tom Daschle and the unified congressional Democrats accuse the president of “alienating allies and blunting U.S. power”, as the Los Angeles Time phrased it. Daschle complained that the administration had turned it’s back on six international agreements. “Instead of asserting our leadership, we are abdicating it,” he said in a speech to the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington on August 9. Earlier Jim Hoagland had voiced the same line in the Washington Post, aggressively accusing the president of isolationism and torpedoing existing standards and procedures of international cooperation. This dishonest piece of liberal journalism was published in the conservative German daily “Die Welt” and echoed most likely in other European media outlets, adding strength to the same kind of argumentations of the socialist European leadership. Hence the result of a recent poll conducted by the Pew Research Center and in cooperation with the International Herald Tribune and the Council on Foreign Relations, which gave President Bush poor marks on his handling of US foreign policy complaining that it takes American interests first and displays ignorance about Europe. The same line is being spread in Asia. Bush is being attacked on a global scale and subtly ridiculed because he is an obstacle to the global Left. Daschle and Hoagland reveal themselves to be puppets of the Socialist International that is running Europe. They translate socialist-communist purposes into American political language directed at American voters. As a European I am very happy that George W. Bush shows his teeth to these little men in the European capitals which are busy subverting their own democratic institutions and take away bit by bit the freedom of their people. I hope that they bite on steel when they try to sway him and sell him socialist fraudulent policy propositions aimed at destroying American sovereignty in the same way as they do it at home. Bill Clinton betrayed the best interests and the national security of his country. George W. Bush takes US interests first – anything wrong with this? It would be better for the European people and wiser for their leaders to adopt some of his policy positions. The president of the United States displays a leadership which we haven’t seen for years instead of appeasing what is wrong as puppet Daschle demands. Daschle knows what demagoguery but not what leadership is. And who are these allies Daschle and Hoagland whimper about? These so-called allies may be members of the same international institutions but their base philosophy exposes them as what they in reality are: our ideological enemies and destroyers of free society. Let’s have a look at one of them, Germany. It is no more the Germany of Konrad Adenauer In June 2001 the Social-Democratic Party, headed by chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, and the Green Party, headed by foreign minister and former terrorist and police beater Josef Fischer, with the help of the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) overthrew the Christian-Democratic mayor of Berlin, Eberhard Diepgen and installed a Social-Democratic mayor, proud homosexual Klaus Wowereit. Without the PDS this coup would not have been possible. It is a coalition of what I call the pink, green and red Nazis. In October there will be new elections for the mayor and the city parliament. One of the candidates for mayor is the PDS star and media darling Gregor Gysi. Gysi was the last head of the communist East-German government party, the Socialist Unity Party, SED. His predecessors were Walter Ulbricht, Erich Honeker and Egon Krenz, all three of them presiding during their turn over the now defunct DDR. They were responsible for the police state including the shooting and killing of those people who tried to escape over the Wall or through the fortified border to the West. Krenz is now in jail. Gysi, however, engineered and presided over the assembly which changed the name of the SED into PDS. Result: the same party, the same purpose, the same people but with different tactics. Only a fool can believe that these people have changed from totalitarian monsters to citizens loyal to a state of law. Gysi and 33 of his comrades became members of parliament, the Bundestag (a first in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany thanks to our “victory” in the cold war), declaring himself and his comrades to be democrats. The ethics committee of the Bundestag, however, after investigating his credentials, concluded that he had been an “unofficial collaborator” of the Stasi. This term is applied in Germany to an informant, who spied on his fellow men, reported them to the Stasi but was not officially an employee of the red Gestapo. In October 2000 the federal intelligence service responsible for the protection of the constitution issued a detailed report about the Party of Democratic Socialism, stating, that its members, the “former” communists, are the same communists as always, that they defend the legitimacy of the former DDR and are opposed to the political and social structures of Germany. Without any doubt, the report states, they are against private property. They intelligence service concludes that the PDS, belonging to the radical left, is committed to establish the same totalitarian system that existed in the DDR in the whole of Germany. The Berlin branch of the same intelligence service stated in June 2001 in another report yet more bluntly that the party is unconstitutional. The last head of the communist government party of East Germany as mayor of Berlin, the city of the Wall – imagine! Neither chancellor Schroeder nor foreign secretary Fischer, however, see anything wrong with it. They associate with evil, form alliances with oppressors and then lecture the president of the United States how to conduct his foreign policy. He should stay away from their propositions, be firm on his USA first foreign policy and if necessary go it alone. He can do it without losing his winning and friendly approach. That is the kind of US leadership urgently needed in international affairs. It will be respected, if not by the European socialists leaders but by their people. The cold war is by no means won and over. It has only taken on a different appearance. There are fifth columns of the enemies of freedom in every nation who thrive on blind indifference, moral corruption and plain selfishness of millions of people and their leaders in the Western world. Western civilization has to be cleaned up from top to bottom. The United States has to take the lead, clean up herself, establish a global principle as basis for all domestic and foreign policies which can be applied to every last person on this globe, and to every nation. Without it Americas domestic policy remains a type of horse trading and the foreign policy remains erratic, trying to deal with individual cases but never getting close to the heart of any matter. This missing overall principle must be truth. America as a nation should be a messenger of truth. To clear Congress of liars would mean to start from scratch. That would be something. Truth is the precondition for freedom. And freedom is the mission of America. Download the printer friendly file for this article.
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