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The United Nations Hoaxby Hilmar von Campe The following lines are written in support of the 1997 legislative initiative of Republican Representative Ron Paul to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (H.R. 1146). Congressman Paul launched an additional initiative two years later demanding the termination of all contributions of the United States to the United Nations, any organs of and any entity affiliated with the United Nations. 74 votes favored this resolution – by far not enough but at least a solid block of members of Congress, which needs to be multiplied. Already the name United Nations constitutes a deception – there is no such thing as an international community of nations, which deserves to be called "United". There is a Marxist international establishment - and many fools - which try to make the world believe, that they represent this imaginary "community of nations" and that they need to be paid well to maintain their lavish life style. None of these bureaucrats including secretary general Kofi Annan has a popular mandate. The United Nations is an undemocratic godless institution trying to transform its organizational infrastructure into a permanent world government. The majority of the member nations, as well as those in the Security Council, are not democratic. Murderous totalitarian states like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Cuba, Iran, or Zimbawe – to name only a few – have the same privileges as Australia, Costa Rica or the United States who apply democratic principles and respect and protect the rights of others through their institutions and their laws. Totalitarian Communist China and KGB-Russia are permanent members of the Security Council with the right to veto anything. That gives them the possibility to directly impact United States policies. An East German communist even made it to the presidency of the General Assembly. At that time his wall-erecting bunch of gangsters at the helm of their now defunct state was not yet accused of criminal acts. Those acts were committed in broad daylight. The ones who were responsible for them were only accused of those crimes by the principled democracies after they were out of power and therefore unable to retaliate. They are now either dead or in prison. The governments of the majority of the members of the United Nations are in structural and flagrant violation of the Declaration of Human Rights, the "constitution" of the United Nations. However, they do not hesitate to denounce others and to make themselves part of authorizing punitive action against them if it is convenient. What is the difference between the government praxis of China and Iraq? I have never seen or heard that the government praxis of a member state was publicly scrutinized by the United Nations or its voting rights brought into question by the United Nations institution itself. Nobody convicted of murder or stealing can sit in a parliament of any Western democracy. Representatives of governments, which are known to have committed mass murder, however, vote unrestricted in the Security Council and the General Assembly. Some of those ambassadors in New York have probably even been a party to it. Can anybody believe that an institution, which is supposed to safeguard justice in the world, can function if operated by anti-democrats who have no respect for justice at home and trample on the fundamental rights of their own people? It is a phony organization. And phony are the expensive so-called peace keeping operations $2.7 billions in the year 2000. Be it Cambodia, East Timor, Somalia, Rwanda, Haiti, Sierra Leone, Bosnia, Kosovo and others - nowhere have the United Nations ever established peace. There are two reasons for it. The UN managers don’t know what the substance of peace is and how to create it, and the immorality of so many of their bureaucrats contradicts their pious and biased message of peace. Kofi Annan collects money ($200 million from the US alone) to fight AIDS but the money goes into their normal budget. At the same time the UN peace missions spread AIDS and, as the State Department documents, are involved in drug trading in Haiti, Kosovo and Bosnia. This is only the tip of the ice berg. Hotel "Olympia" and "Amos W" were the names of the Containerships in the Bay of Dili in East-Timor where the nightly orgies of the UN "peacekeepers" took place at the end of September 1999 while the population was starving. Contrary to the prostitutes accompanying the "peace keeper" they were not allowed to board the ships. They could only watch the high life of the 11.000 strong peace-mission who were supposed to help them but were busy looking after themselves at the expense of Western tax-payers. On October 26, the United Nations established an administration (Untaet), which from then on ran this catholic country like an imperial colonial power. Highly paid UN bureaucrats were employed in spite of great resources of intelligent and educated local people. Later on some cosmetic changes took place and some local people were hired because of the uproar in the population. On August 30 of the same year 78.5% of the population had voted for independence from Indonesia with the result of a massacre. 10.000 people were killed by Indonesian Moslem militias, 75% of the infrastructure of the country were destroyed. Now the United Nations robbed the population of their independence after 400 years of colonialism and additionally signed away the only asset East Timor has richly, OIL, to Australian and US companies. The population and their leaders were not consulted. But robbed by their so-called liberators. The German newspaper Die Welt reported on June 21, 2000 that the yearly UN budget is $720 million whereas the first annual government budget for East Timor with local personnel showed expenditures of only $65 million. According to a Danish documentary "And the UN Came" peace mission soldiers are responsible for creating an AIDS epidemic in Cambodia. This is not unusual, it happens in many places where UN peacekeepers turn up while at the same time the secretary general, Kofi Annan collects money - $200 million alone from the United States – for a fund to stop the spread of Aids!! He should install moral standards and discipline. According to the London Observer "murder, torture and extortion are the charges against the UN’s own Kosovo Protection Corps made in an internal document for the general secretary." The New American of April 10, 2000 reported that the Corps is accused of running protection rackets, forced prostitution, and using intimidation, torture and murder to tyrannize the non-Albanians in the Yugoslavian province of Kosovo. In Sierra Leone the blue helmets are accused of having sexually abused and corrupted girls between 13 and 18 years – and some younger – in the refugee camps. They paid up to $300.00 for a girl – no local could compete with that. There are plenty of reports highlighting the same principle. In the context of this article this must be enough to demonstrate the hypocrisy and dishonesty of this institution and its staff. They talk high and live low as do their sponsors like Bill Clinton. Peace cannot be organized. It is the fruit of justice. Peace must grow out of the hearts of people who live at peace with themselves and care for others. Godless people are unable to create peace because they don’t know justice but only self-serving legality. Those who fight for justice for others will find peace as a result. "For the Godless are like a raging sea that cannot come to rest and whose waters are full of mud and dirt", said the prophet Isaiah "For the Godless there is no peace, thus says the Lord." British author and journalist Graham Hancock describes in his book The Lords of Poverty the United Nations personnel as "a powerful new class of rich and privileged people in that notorious (UN) club of parasites and hangers-on"…with "record-breaking standards to be set in self-serving behavior, arrogance, paternalism, moral cowardice and mendacity." The purpose of the "United" Nations is diametrically opposed to the constitution and the sovereignty of the United States. All programs of that institution are expensive and dishonest. Beautiful words hide immoral purposes. Their fundamental purpose is, to push the United States, the main obstacle to its power schemes, bit by bit into their socialist infrastructure of world government, into a totalitarian world run by the Annans, Gorbachevs, Clintons and their likes. The American Constitution defines the individual rights as a free gift of God. The human rights of the United Nations are granted by government and according to Article 29 of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" cannot be exercised contrary to the purpose and principles of the United Nations. With other words unless you do what they say you can be stripped at any time of any right. This wording contains the same deception as could be found in the constitutions of East Germany, the Soviet Union, and all Soviet satellite nations. America became great because of a great and ingenious people with roots in the truth of the bible, who take responsibility for their lives and their nation, and not by parasites and hangers-on. "State sovereignty, in its most basic sense, is being redefined," stated Kofi Annan on September 18, 1999 in The Economist. A new, broader definition of national interest is needed in the new century [where] the collective interest is the national interest. [I]n cases where forceful interventions does become necessary, the Security Council – that body charged with authorizing the use of force under international law – must be able to rise to the challenge." Our "charter requires the council to be the defender of the ‘common interest’" – Heaven help us with such a defender. And what about the present chief defender, secretary general Kofi Annan? One million Tutsis were murdered 1994 by Hutus in Rwanda. The Nazis would have been proud about the speed with which this genocide was accomplished. This and the following was reported by BBC in 1998 und was broadcast by television (TSR) in French-speaking Switzerland in December 2001. On December 9, 1948 the United Nations had passed a resolution against genocide, which was now going to be betrayed. It was stated that after Auschwitz something similar must not happen ever again. On January 10, 1994 the UN headquarters in New York were informed by the commander of the UN military mission in Rwanda, a Canadian general, that a massacre was imminent and that he planned to disarm the Hutu militia. The then head of the peace- keeping operations of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, forbade this since according to him this intention was incompatible with their peace-keeping mission. The cable with this stop-order to Rwanda was sent in his name and was signed by Iqbal Riza, today chief of staff of the United Nations. As a result 1 million human beings were murdered. Even when the magnitude of the genocide became obvious the United Nations did not recognize it as genocide in order to be able to look the other way. The matter was reported to the Security Council as "acts of excessive violence". French, Belgian and Italian troops collected their nationals and together with the blue helmets began to withdraw to the airport and then flew home, leaving the desperate Tutsis behind. The French took the dog of the ambassador with them but left their own Tutsi personnel behind. They were promptly murdered. Germany fell in the thirties into the totalitarian trap because nominal Christians went to church, polished their souls, and let others handle politics. Do American Christians want to continue financing the godless anti-American activities of the "United" Nations? Let every patriot stand up and fight that H.R. 1146 becomes a majority decision of the United States Congress. Download the printer friendly file for this article.
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