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The Road To Victory During WW II Hitler wanted to occupy Switzerland in the same way he had occupied most of Europe. His generals warned him that that would be very difficult and cost a great deal of blood. Hitler abstained. When I after the war once came to Zürich to visit a friend he took me to his house. When he opened the front door I looked into the muzzle of a machine gun. In passing my friend mentioned that it was fully armed ready to fire. It was the arms in the hands of responsible patriots which kept Switzerland free during the whole war. Government and people trusted and trust each other. Like Switzerland American citizens have the constitutional right to carry arms. Today´s decisive battle lines, however, are not between nations as it was for instance in WWI. They are global and inside of most nations and the battle is between ideas, or better said, between ideologies. Unfortunately our government today is on the same side as our enemies, as its policies demonstrate. We must keep our arms. The war we are in is about world power. The Socialist Communist ideology and the Islamic terrorists on one side - and we may call some greedy bankers to be part of them as well as National Socialism - and who on the other side? The dispute between Capitalism and Communism is not the fundamental issue; it is just a consequence of what is the purpose, the ideology, behind the words. Global Communism is not dead and America has not won the cold war. On the contrary, we are about to be taken over from within by the Soviets. What has changed are the tactics with another label. The Russian leaders are the same Soviet leaders. Most Americans think that an Obama regime means we have to continue battling the Socialist economy within the same national structure. I don´t think that would be the case. We would be robed of our identity and integrated into a godless global Soviet totalitarian system with no frontiers between Mexico, Canada and us. Together with the Europeans we would be taxed to the teeth to finance this wonderful Socialism. There would be no more justice. To prevent this we have first to win the November elections thanks to the battle of the tea party and many patriots. During the sixties a few friends and I met with Eudocio Ravines in Buenos Aires. He was the founder and leader of the Peruvian Communist Party and had agreed to brief us on the strategy and tactics of the Soviets. As a Latin American delegate to the Comintern (Communist International) and a professor for Leninism he belonged to the top leadership of Latin American Communism. Stalin ordered him personally to create in Chile a popular front and take over Chile from within. He had a Chilean wife. Mao-Tse tung and his experts in subversion trained him in Moscow. He then operated in Chile with another name as Jorge Montero so that nobody could find out his real identity. The Chinese called their tactics The Yenan Way – the road of a serpent. That is also the title of a book he wrote which was published by Charles Scribner’s Sons. It disappeared and I could only find one finally in the library of the German parliament which allowed me to make a copy. Popular Front meant politically that the Communists would form part of a leftist government and slowly infiltrate with their people into administrative positions until it is all theirs. The Obama administration in my judgment is the advanced form of the Ravines mission. Ravines was successful in creating such a popular front with the help of the free but greedy banking system. He became disenchanted with Communism. When in 1939 Stalin made a treaty with Hitler which led to World War II, he left the Communist Party. He died in Mexico, hit by a car. I suspect that he was murdered by the KGB. Mao told him: “Our experience is this: People like doctors, generals, dentists, town mayors, lawyers who are not rich, do not love power for itself; much less the good they can do with it. They want it for the wealth it can bring. They achieve power, and then they begin to call out like Napoleon for money, money and again money.” “Let them get rich today. Very soon we can expropriate everything. The more help they get from us in their pillage, the more positions they will let us take and occupy.” Li Li Siang, Top Chinese Communist and rival of Mao added, “It is not only fear of the loss of freedom that clears a way before us. We can play on the ambitions of thousands of politicians of all sizes, who have come from the petite bourgeoisie, both urban and rural; men who are unable to reach high positions, not so much suited to their abilities as in accord with their ambitions, come to our camp, not as registered members of the party but as servants. It will be their advantage to serve us. We will repay them always far better than their own parties would.” “We have won this way hundreds of officers of Chinese President Chiang Kaishek´s army. The Chinese soldier is ambitious. He is hungry for power in a way the European soldier is not, and thirsty for riches, and luxury. People who serve us, through greed, through fear, inferiority, vengeance, what have you, serve the party, serve the designs of the Comintern, serve the cause of the revolution.” Mao then stated, “The immense mass of our friends and enemies is made up of opportunists...Tempt them, each through his particular weakness, as the devil tempts. You understand? Help them to get what they want; put pressure, first with offers, later with threats. Compromise them if you can, so that they can’t get away. However, any person who receives our support and does not fulfill his part of the bargain must become the target for a frontal attack of pitiless ferocity.” We are being lied to by our government day-in, day out. Hitler lied himself into government as well as Mao Tse-tung and Obama. Should the United States follow the same pattern until the end? Now, who is leading our side, the side of freedom? Are we fighting for the global power of America? Internationally that would not be very popular and few Americans would accept it anyway. If I would say that our ideology is “leave me in peace and I leave you in peace”, it would come closer to the truth. As I wrote in my book Defeating the Totalitarian Lie and in my last article The Confusion of Christians in my website that millions of Americans take God and religion as kind of the same. It is not the same. We do not need more spiritualism we need to follow Jesus by walking in His footprints, which means applying absolute moral standards and putting obedience of God as priority into all sections of society. The pastors and priests have also the task to prevent with their congregations all politicians from godless programs. Who wants to change America and the world has to begin changing with him- or herself and not with somebody else. One can begin immediately. God is the global power who gave us freedom but whom we have thrown out of our society. When Obama quotes the Declaration of Independence he has several times already stated … “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among…” He left out not by accident but by purpose … endowed “by our creator”. That is not for nothing. He shows his real colors. He is against God and with it against the Constitution. Who is against God is against America. Like Hitler he knows where the obstacles to his own power are. Hitler is known to have told his inner circle that he will destroy the churches after victory in the war. We were told that we can pray and sing hymns in the church and at home, but have no voice in political and social affairs. They, the Nazis, would look after that. Immorality and godless laws destroy a nation from within. The global ideological war is for the role of God in human society. Morality is the battle ground. The Left wants immorality; Conservatives have too small a purpose. If they do not get global with the message of freedom for people and nations they may be right but will lose the battle. Who wants to change America and the world needs to stop lying, make restitution for harming other people and stand up for truth. I can recommend this procedure to Barack Hussein Obama. It leads to a system of freedom proven to work and in his case it would save America trillions of dollars. If you point your finger at your neighbor there are three fingers pointing back at you! Godlessness brought Germany down and I fought the war on the wrong side. The United States of America, now heading in the wrong direction, needs to have God in the center and as a nation take the message of freedom on the road to victory to the world. That is the task for every Christian. Download the printer friendly file for this article.
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