The Confusion of
Christians (Part I) When I drove friends of ours, a couple, to the airport in Miami one day we had a discussion about religion. I said something along the lines that the only sane road for America and humanity to take is to obey God’s Commandments. She objected and said that not everybody believed in the Christian religion and that we couldn’t force our views on them. I answered that the issue was not religion and that it didn’t make any difference whether somebody believed in God or not because God’s Commandments are obligatory for every last person on earth regardless of what their religion is and whether they believe in God or not. She was horrified about my ‘”self-righteous intolerance” and asked: “Do you think that we Christians are better than all the others and that our religion is right and the other religions are wrong?” I answered that this was not a question of being better than others or others being inferior, but about truth and how humanity can live together as equals instead of fighting and killing each other. I confirmed to her, however, that other religions were definitely wrong, and if she didn’t think so, then she would not be a Christian as she claimed to be. If God is merely the religious expression of what some people believe, then you could discuss with others whether something else might also be right or even better. And that is the position into which the enemies of God and freedom have maneuvered our politicians and Christians. But God is reality. He created the universe and all mankind, and laid down the rules to live by for everybody regardless what their background is and what they believe in. His Commandments must be put into place in all nations beginning with ours. If we put our house in order other nations will follow our example. To stand on that ground and not waiver has nothing to do with intolerance. It is the reason for the existence of the United States of America, and it is the basis for our federal Constitution and the Constitutions of all fifty states of the Union. To quote only one, the Preamble of Alabama Constitution states: “We the people of the state of Alabama, invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution” The Declaration of Independence states: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among those are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness— that to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men…” Is our government doing it? If I look at the three branches of government it doesn’t look like it to me. We celebrate the Day of Independence, but in our schools they teach Darwin’s theory of evolution. The substance of the Declaration of Independence and Darwin’s theory exclude each other. Darwinism apart from being wrong is unconstitutional because it denies our inalienable rights given by God on which our Constitution and our nation are built. The government establishment, however, does not “secure these rights” but instead, allows them to be taken from us. They will have to account for this when they meet their creator. They should face the parents and the pastors if these would only fight for the souls of their children. In his essay “Does Darwinism Devalue Human life?” Richard Weikart, Professor of History at the California State University points out that Darwin in his Autobiography rejects the idea of objective moral standards, stating that one “can have for his rule of life, as far as I can see, only to follow those impulses and instincts which are the strongest or which seem to him to be the best ones.” Friedrich Hellward, an influential ethnologist, Weikart writes, promoted a Darwinian view of social evolution in his major work The History of Culture (18750). Hellward is of the opinion that the struggle for existence is above all moral considerations. “The right of the stronger,” Weikart writes, “is a natural law.” You can take out the name Friedrich Hellward and put in instead Adolf Hitler and it would be correct. That was his theme in explaining his aggressive plans and actions. That was the theme we were told in school and in the Hitler Youth constantly, as I reported earlier in this book. Darwin’s theory helped the Nazis to destroy morality and lead the nation into self destruction. The same thing is happening here now. The youth under totalitarian Nazi rule and the American youth in our “free” country are being fed the same poison of relativism only with different labels, by people with the same or similar purpose. That is not what our Founding Fathers fought, sacrificed and died for. It must be changed. Download the printer friendly file for this article. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader. 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