The Reason For The Season by Hilmar von Campe The year 2004 has begun. What will it
bring us? More terrorism and violence in the movie industry? In our
streets? In the air? In the international arena? More restrictions of
civil rights? More lies? Or will it bring the rebirth of the spirit of
God in all sections of our society and motivate us like it did the
founding fathers of this nation? For that task, a missing inner strength is needed. Other nations notice the discrepancy in the US between words and reality because too many people are chasing the wrong things and following false gods. Lies should not be tools for foreign policies nor instruments of bickering party politics. Imagine, how the world would be if voters wouldn't vote known liars into public office, neither here nor in the rest of the world? Imagine how the world would be if there were no lying in the parliaments, with the US Congress setting the example? Imagine if governments were guided by God instead of self-interest? Imagine if America would set the example. Imagine if the Ten Commandments, instead of being forcibly removed from schools and public areas, would be the guide for the life of the nation? Imagine if the family: husband, wife and children, would again provide the heart beat of society? Imagine if godless judges, who distort the truth and ruin the American heritage, would be impeached, as they should? Imagine how great our nation would truly be if we just did these things, if we just honored the Constitution and our Christian heritage! I wish that America and Western nations would learn to recognize who the real enemies of freedom are. It is not just an evil bunch of terrorists who threaten and attack America, but world views and philosophies, which are based on lies and hatred. Class-, race- and religious materialistic ideologies have to be overcome by a better idea. Hatreds have to be healed, divisive worldviews have to be changed, promiscuity has to stop so that a nation under God and a peaceful world can emerge. Godlessness is the real enemy. This demands a base of patriotic men,
women and children who never quit the battle, who stop lying and stand
up and fight for truth irrespective of what the costs may be.
Everybody can be part of this base, and be part of the solution and
not of the sickness. I quote an unknown author who has the following
to say on the subject: I am not very impressed with the 'holiday greetings' I recently received from so-called Christians. In the year 2004 I want to stick to the Spirit of Christmas: Jesus is the reason for the season! Download the printer friendly file for this article. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader. Home ¦ Nat'l Institute ¦ Keynote Addresses ¦ Monthly Articles ¦ Hilmar's Books Holocaust Statement ¦ What's New ¦ Personal History ¦ Family Biography Global Ideology ¦ Dignitaries ¦ Audio Interview ¦ Reviews Testimonial Letters ¦ Links ¦ Contact Us ¦ Site Map